I returned today from a visit home over the weekend. God has blessed me with a great family; I very much enjoyed spending time with them. Among the highlights of the week were an early celebration of my brother's birthday, a bike ride to a local coffee shop with my brother, and some good conversations with my sisters. I came back to Iowa armed with some great recipes from Mom, and some wise advice from Dad.
I am enjoying my classes thus far. My favorite class at the moment is Dental Anatomy. Most of the class consists of learning to sculpt teeth out of wax. It is a good challenge; I have spent between seven and eight hours working on an upper left central incisor, and it still isn't quite right (the angles on the sides, where they come down to meet the gums, aren't quite correct yet).
I have met several other professing Christians in the class, and we plan to start a Bible study on Colossians during lunch breaks, either weekly or biweekly. Two of us plan to alternate leading it this semester. We then hope to expand the leadership next semester. I would appreciate prayer for wisdom as we set it up.